Friday, 3 June 2011

i n s p i r a t i o n - Peace, Love and Mud

The summer festival season is fast approaching, and I just can't wait to don some wellies and splash about in some Glastonbury mud. The line-up this year looks AMAZING, good ol' Mr Eavis, he's come up trumps again. There's just one thing I need to buy... a tent. But why go for the same ol' same ol'? Etsy crafty cats have inspired me once again to go for somehting a little different. Maybe my new tent idea is a little crazy, but judge yourself and see below...

First Glastonbury essential: Wellies. These are from Coral Vintage $32

Second? Accessorizzzee. Daisychain headband from Blushing Dove Boutique £5.30

The piece de resistance... camping in style. Splash out a little and Stand out from the rest with a handmade playtent from Miss Pretty Pretty for $305. Not entirely practical, but don't deny it: you want one.

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Vinyl Revival

I've been getting all nostalgic with my music lately, and to be honest, these mp3s just aren't cutting it for me. Let's bring back some vinyl; you cant beat the crackling intros, the oaky ambience. iTunes can take a hike, I've found some right gems on Etsy...

Gorgeous record player in red leather carry-case from Ark's Endeavors for $75

Portable record player in black carry-case from All Unique for $169.95

Niiice. From Haus Proud at $48

Goes without saying. Beatles record $80 from Hourglass Archive.